Thursday, September 7, 2017

The fifth trumpet, the Third Angel’s message, and the Trinity

The fifth trumpet, the Third Angel’s message, and the Trinity

Hello Pastor Ortega. 
  A few years ago I began searching for internet videos on non-trinitarianism and initially found non-Adventist Christians arguing over Jesus as a created being. But I knew that the third person trespasser into the Godhead was where the trinity falsehood lay. I finally found Adventist non-trinitarian sites and heard what I believed I saw the Bible teaching on the Holy Spirit being Jesus, along with quotations from EGW that say that. The last I found were your videos and audio files. They have been deeper than the others, but in wonderful agreement with them. I am very happy to hear the unison voices. I still need to understand better what you are saying about the human nature of Jesus but most of what I’ve heard is what I had already deduced or heard or read. I haven’t been an extensive EGW connoisseur. Mostly, I’ve been trying to understand the Bible. 

  But the main reason I’m writing this email is that when I came back to the Lord after 13 years away from the SDA church Jesus gave me a strong love for the Bible. After studying most of it, I turned to the book of Daniel and found it much more understandable than in my teen years. Then, naturally I went on to Revelation. Revelation was going nicely until I got to the seven trumpets and decided to hunt down Uriah Smith’s book on the trumpets. But a strong impression, almost a voice, steered me away from that idea and told me to let Revelation tell me what the trumpets mean. I consented, and as I read the first four trumpets I saw in trumpet #1 the Sunday churches’ rejection of William Miller and the anointing of Adventism, (trumpet #2) the Sunday churches’ rejection of the Sabbath and their rejection of the Law’s authority to condemn sin, (trumpet #3) the entrance of spiritualism into the Sunday churches resulting from their rejection of the Law, and (trumpet #4) finally the churches’ gospel light going out. I had already seen Revelation 4 and 5 as EGW’s Great Controversy vision of 1858. The trumpets seemed to be saying exactly what EGW has told us about our history and Protestant America. At first I thought for sure I was just a biased Adventist, but the more I studied the Old Testament the clearer my interpretations became.

  I felt impressed to end the first 4 trumpets in 1849, right in the middle of the Sabbath conferences. The California Gold Rush started the fifth trumpet which would show Satan (the black smoke from the bottomless pit) and his Jesuits (the voracious locusts) taking Protestant America all the way down to total apostasy, devil-possession, and ruin in the sixth trumpet. The wormwood bitterness of spiritualism would come to the Sunday churches because they turned their ear away from hearing God’s voice of condemnation. And celebration is all they have had an appetite for ever since. The goal of the Jesuits was to completely corrupt all of Protestantism, which would prosper except for those not in the third part (the third part meaning, “those under the earth”, or the devil-controlled Protestants). With the Jesuits already reinstated and well established since 1814, with the Protestants now open to Satan’s strong delusions, and with Adventism having nailed down the message of warning against the Roman/Protestant alliance, 1850 would start a race to the finish for Christ and Satan, and for both their respective armies.

  The torment, the fire, brimstone, and smoke, which come from the fifth and sixth trumpets (and also from Deuteronomy 29:18-28) make up the language of the third angel’s message. This means that not only the Sabbath, but more so abrogating the whole Law, is what the third angel’s message is about. Also it means that worshiping “the gods” (Deut. 29:18), (the Trinity?), which is spiritualism as much as abrogating God’s authority to condemn sin is spiritualism, is part of the third angel’s message.

  I’ve written a book on the seals and trumpets of Revelation 4-11. Would you or maybe someone in your cabinet want to review my book and tell me if I have handled the word of God honestly or dishonestly? I feel like Jesus gave me the book to write, and I want it to get out because I believe it tells the truth about the historicism of the seven trumpets, which all take place after the entrance of Jesus into the Most Holy in 1844. I see Revelation 4 through 11 as chronological, except for chapter 7’s focus on the 144,000 and their central part in the closing work of the gospel, and except for chapter 11 which gives an overview of the gospel dispensation in order to show the final failing of Protestantism and Adventism after the Jesuits ascend from the bottomless pit (vs. 7). At first the beast makes war against Adventism while Ellen White was alive. It overcomes Adventism shortly after her passing. And it finally kills Adventism. (When I first wrote about Revelation 11:7 I saw a slow departure from Ellen White, but I had no idea how Trinitarianism might play into that verse. I had learned of the history of Questions on Doctrine, but I was even more amazed a month ago when I saw your presentation of the 1919 secret conference. That must have been the first fulfillment of the “overcome them” in Revelation 11:7.) Now Righteousness by faith is dead, dead in the streets of the great city Babylon; and so is Adventism dead. But, Revelation 11 doesn’t end there. An Adventist/Protestant remnant comes back to life and ascends to finally sit in heavenly places in Christ, like the apostolic church had. Then they can prophesy “again” (Rev. 10:11). Jesus’ witnesses were faithful to Him all the way through the Dark Ages. The long Revelation 11 gospel epic is a rebuke to Protestantism, and to Adventism who followed in the path of her sisters. But it ends really good in the Latter Rain because of Jesus’ sealing work in the Most Holy.

  I am also attaching a brief overview of the book, “The Seven Trumpets and the Investigative Judgment.” If you desire to read the 318 page book I will send it to you free of charge.

  Thank you for your time,

On Tue, 9/5/17, Alex Ortega <> wrote:

Subject: contact
To:  Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2017, 1:27 PM

Hi David,

Your email made it’s way to me and we
have contact. You may write to me at this address. I look
forward to hearing from you.


Alex Ortega

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