I finally finished my first
book. It is on Bible prophecy, Revelation in particular. I
use Revelation chapters 4 through 11 to explain the whole of Revelation and
how current events have been working perfectly to fulfill the trumpet prophecy.
Chapters 4 through 11 make up the core of the whole Revelation that John saw. Then
the second half of The Revelation add details to the first half’s satellite
I have brought into Bible
prophecy much of what I have learned of the good news of the gospel. If you
appreciate my way of expressing the Bible’s good news (and bad news) then you
will find them woven into the Revelation message of blessing and curses, its necessary plagues, as well as its
healing and sealing. Even though God is
Judge, Revelation shows Him accused as unworthy and being judged for His worthiness to lead His eternal kingdom.
I see a different way of viewing
the trumpets, with different placements compared to most interpretations, and
having different purposes. You will see that I place the seven trumpets
beginning on October 22, 1844. They do not begin with the fall of Jerusalem or
of the Roman Empire. They are not military campaigns that say nothing about
Jesus. Thus, I see that the seven trumpets of Revelation are the anti-type of
the Feast of Trumpets that signaled the approaching typical Mosaic Day of Atonement.
Therefore, I see the trumpets as Advent Movement-related events that warn us of
the coming of Judgment Day, when the Lamb returns sitting on the right hand of
Power. The fifth trumpet’s 5 prophetic month time period concludes close to our
day, at the end of 1999. Then the sixth trumpet begins in the first quarter of
2000, largely kicked off by 9/11, and soon to come into full swing. I
believe that the signing of peace treaties this Halloween between the Church of
Rome and the Lutheran Church, thus marking the legal end of the Reformation’s
gift of peace to the world, will shift the sixth trumpet fulfillment into third
gear of a five-speed eschatological transmission. Then, the last two gears
“cometh quickly” (Rev. 11:14), the seventh trumpet and the Day of Judgment/Second Advent of Jesus in unearthly, divine power.
Let me add that my book seeks to reassure
everyone that they still have time to make their calling and election sure.
But, we must be in earnest now. It’s not all scary; in fact Revelation holds great promises for the people not swept up by all the deceptions on the right hand and the left. I have done my best in the book to lay out the path to have that
assurance. I have sought to weave Jesus into everything I have written. To
give you a taste, the website for Aspect Books (published by Teach Services,
Inc.) lets you read the first 27 pages of the book. The Lord bless you and
keep you, and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. See you the
second Sabbath at the Tree of Life on the far side of the River of Life!
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